[ \Illuminate\Container\Container::class, \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::class, \Laravel\Lumen\Application::class ], 'limit' => 10, 'toArray' => false, 'toString' => false, 'debugInfo' => true, 'jsonSerialize' => false, 'traces' => true, 'tracesFilter' => null, 'tracesSkip' => null, 'tracesLimit' => null ]; // Create a new instance optionally with options overriding defaults public function __construct(array $options = []) { $this->options = $options + static::$defaults; } // Set default options for all new instances public static function defaults(array $defaults) { static::$defaults = $defaults + static::$defaults; } // Prepares the passed data to be ready for serialization, takes any kind of data to normalize as the first // argument, other arguments are used internally in recursion public function normalize($data, $context = null, $limit = null) { if ($context === null) $context = [ 'references' => [] ]; if ($limit === null) $limit = $this->options['limit']; if (is_array($data)) { if ($limit === 0) return [ '__type__' => 'array', '__omitted__' => 'limit' ]; return [ '__type__' => 'array' ] + $this->normalizeEach($data, $context, $limit - 1); } elseif (is_object($data)) { if ($data instanceof \Closure) return [ '__type__' => 'anonymous function' ]; $className = get_class($data); $objectHash = spl_object_hash($data); if ($limit === 0) return [ '__class__' => $className, '__omitted__' => 'limit' ]; if (isset($context['references'][$objectHash])) return [ '__type__' => 'recursion' ]; $context['references'][$objectHash] = true; if (isset($this->cache[$objectHash])) return $this->cache[$objectHash]; if ($this->options['blackbox'] && in_array($className, $this->options['blackbox'])) { return $this->cache[$objectHash] = [ '__class__' => $className, '__omitted__' => 'blackbox' ]; } elseif ($this->options['toString'] && method_exists($data, '__toString')) { return $this->cache[$objectHash] = (string) $data; } if ($this->options['debugInfo'] && method_exists($data, '__debugInfo')) { $data = (array) $data->__debugInfo(); } elseif ($this->options['jsonSerialize'] && method_exists($data, 'jsonSerialize')) { $data = (array) $data->jsonSerialize(); } elseif ($this->options['toArray'] && method_exists($data, 'toArray')) { $data = (array) $data->toArray(); } else { $data = (array) $data; } $data = array_combine( array_map(function ($key) { // replace null-byte prefixes of protected and private properties used by php with * (protected) // and ~ (private) return preg_replace('/^\0.+?\0/', '~', str_replace("\0*\0", '*', $key)); }, array_keys($data)), $this->normalizeEach($data, $context, $limit - 1) ); return $this->cache[$objectHash] = [ '__class__' => $className ] + $data; } elseif (is_resource($data)) { return [ '__type__' => 'resource' ]; } return $data; } // Normalize each member of an array (doesn't add metadata for top level) public function normalizeEach($data, $context = null, $limit = null) { return array_map(function ($item) use ($context, $limit) { return $this->normalize($item, $context, $limit); }, $data); } // Normalize a stack trace instance public function trace(StackTrace $trace) { if (! $this->options['traces']) return null; if ($this->options['tracesFilter']) $trace = $trace->filter($this->options['tracesFilter']); if ($this->options['tracesSkip']) $trace = $trace->skip($this->options['tracesSkip']); if ($this->options['tracesLimit']) $trace = $trace->limit($this->options['tracesLimit']); return array_map(function ($frame) { return [ 'call' => $frame->call, 'file' => $frame->file, 'line' => $frame->line, 'isVendor' => (bool) $frame->vendor ]; }, $trace->frames()); } // Normalize an exception instance public function exception(/* Throwable */ $exception) { return [ 'type' => get_class($exception), 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'code' => $exception->getCode(), 'file' => $exception->getFile(), 'line' => $exception->getLine(), 'trace' => (new Serializer([ 'tracesLimit' => false ]))->trace(StackTrace::from($exception->getTrace())), 'previous' => $exception->getPrevious() ? $this->exception($exception->getPrevious()) : null ]; } }