* @since Class available since Release 2.0.0 */ class ServeConvertedWebP { /** * Process options. * * @throws \WebPConvert\Options\Exceptions\InvalidOptionTypeException If the type of an option is invalid * @throws \WebPConvert\Options\Exceptions\InvalidOptionValueException If the value of an option is invalid * @param array $options */ private static function processOptions($options) { $options2 = new Options(); $options2->addOptions( new BooleanOption('reconvert', false), new BooleanOption('serve-original', false), new BooleanOption('show-report', false), new BooleanOption('suppress-warnings', true), new BooleanOption('redirect-to-self-instead-of-serving', false), new ArrayOption('serve-image', []), new SensitiveArrayOption('convert', []) ); foreach ($options as $optionId => $optionValue) { $options2->setOrCreateOption($optionId, $optionValue); } $options2->check(); return $options2->getOptions(); } /** * Serve original file (source). * * @param string $source path to source file * @param array $serveImageOptions (optional) options for serving an image * Supported options: * - All options supported by ServeFile::serve() * @throws ServeFailedException if source is not an image or mime type cannot be determined * @return void */ public static function serveOriginal($source, $serveImageOptions = []) { InputValidator::checkSource($source); $contentType = MimeType::getMimeTypeDetectionResult($source); if (is_null($contentType)) { throw new ServeFailedException('Rejecting to serve original (mime type cannot be determined)'); } elseif ($contentType === false) { throw new ServeFailedException('Rejecting to serve original (it is not an image)'); } else { ServeFile::serve($source, $contentType, $serveImageOptions); } } /** * Serve destination file. * * TODO: SHould this really be public? * * @param string $destination path to destination file * @param array $serveImageOptions (optional) options for serving (such as which headers to add) * Supported options: * - All options supported by ServeFile::serve() * @return void */ public static function serveDestination($destination, $serveImageOptions = []) { InputValidator::checkDestination($destination); ServeFile::serve($destination, 'image/webp', $serveImageOptions); } public static function warningHandler() { // do nothing! - as we do not return anything, the warning is suppressed } /** * Serve converted webp. * * Serve a converted webp. If a file already exists at the destination, that is served (unless it is * older than the source - in that case a fresh conversion will be made, or the file at the destination * is larger than the source - in that case the source is served). Some options may alter this logic. * In case no file exists at the destination, a fresh conversion is made and served. * * @param string $source path to source file * @param string $destination path to destination * @param array $options (optional) options for serving/converting * Supported options: * 'show-report' => (boolean) If true, the decision will always be 'report' * 'serve-original' => (boolean) If true, the decision will be 'source' (unless above option is set) * 'reconvert ' => (boolean) If true, the decision will be 'fresh-conversion' (unless one of the * above options is set) * - All options supported by WebPConvert::convert() * - All options supported by ServeFile::serve() * @param \WebPConvert\Loggers\BaseLogger $serveLogger (optional) * @param \WebPConvert\Loggers\BaseLogger $convertLogger (optional) * * @throws \WebPConvert\Exceptions\WebPConvertException If something went wrong. * @return void */ public static function serve($source, $destination, $options = [], $serveLogger = null, $convertLogger = null) { InputValidator::checkSourceAndDestination($source, $destination); $options = self::processOptions($options); if ($options['suppress-warnings']) { set_error_handler( array('\\WebPConvert\\Serve\\ServeConvertedWebP', "warningHandler"), E_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE ); } //$options = array_merge(self::$defaultOptions, $options); // Step 1: Is there a file at the destination? If not, trigger conversion // However 1: if "show-report" option is set, serve the report instead // However 2: "reconvert" option should also trigger conversion if ($options['show-report']) { Header::addLogHeader('Showing report', $serveLogger); Report::convertAndReport($source, $destination, $options); return; } if (!@file_exists($destination)) { Header::addLogHeader('Converting (there were no file at destination)', $serveLogger); WebPConvert::convert($source, $destination, $options['convert'], $convertLogger); } elseif ($options['reconvert']) { Header::addLogHeader('Converting (told to reconvert)', $serveLogger); WebPConvert::convert($source, $destination, $options['convert'], $convertLogger); } else { // Step 2: Is the destination older than the source? // If yes, trigger conversion (deleting destination is implicit) $timestampSource = @filemtime($source); $timestampDestination = @filemtime($destination); if (($timestampSource !== false) && ($timestampDestination !== false) && ($timestampSource > $timestampDestination)) { Header::addLogHeader('Converting (destination was older than the source)', $serveLogger); WebPConvert::convert($source, $destination, $options['convert'], $convertLogger); } } // Step 3: Serve the smallest file (destination or source) // However, first check if 'serve-original' is set if ($options['serve-original']) { Header::addLogHeader('Serving original (told to)', $serveLogger); self::serveOriginal($source, $options['serve-image']); return; } if ($options['redirect-to-self-instead-of-serving']) { Header::addLogHeader( 'Redirecting to self! ' . '(hope you got redirection to existing webps set up, otherwise you will get a loop!)', $serveLogger ); header('Location: ?fresh', 302); return; } $filesizeDestination = @filesize($destination); $filesizeSource = @filesize($source); if (($filesizeSource !== false) && ($filesizeDestination !== false) && ($filesizeDestination > $filesizeSource)) { Header::addLogHeader('Serving original (it is smaller)', $serveLogger); self::serveOriginal($source, $options['serve-image']); return; } Header::addLogHeader('Serving converted file', $serveLogger); self::serveDestination($destination, $options['serve-image']); } }