* $youtubeService = new Google_YoutubeService(...);
* $channels = $youtubeService->channels;
class Google_ChannelsServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Browse the YouTube channel collection. Either the 'id' or 'mine' parameter must be set.
* (channels.list)
* @param string $part Parts of the channel resource to be returned.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string id YouTube IDs of the channels to be returned.
* @opt_param string mine Flag indicating only return the channel ids of the authenticated user.
* @return Google_ChannelListResponse
public function listChannels($part, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('part' => $part);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_ChannelListResponse($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "search" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $youtubeService = new Google_YoutubeService(...);
* $search = $youtubeService->search;
class Google_SearchServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Universal search for youtube. (search.list)
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string q Query to search in Youtube.
* @opt_param string startIndex Index of the first search result to return.
* @opt_param string type Type of resource to search.
* @opt_param string order Sort order.
* @opt_param string maxResults Maximum number of search results to return per page.
* @return Google_SearchListResponse
public function listSearch($optParams = array()) {
$params = array();
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_SearchListResponse($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "playlistitems" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $youtubeService = new Google_YoutubeService(...);
* $playlistitems = $youtubeService->playlistitems;
class Google_PlaylistitemsServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Browse the YouTube playlist collection. (playlistitems.list)
* @param string $part Parts of the playlist resource to be returned.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @opt_param string startIndex Index of the first element to return (starts at 0)
* @opt_param string playlistId Retrieves playlist items from the given playlist id.
* @opt_param string id YouTube IDs of the playlists to be returned.
* @opt_param string maxResults Maximum number of results to return
* @return Google_PlaylistItemListResponse
public function listPlaylistitems($part, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('part' => $part);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_PlaylistItemListResponse($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "playlists" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $youtubeService = new Google_YoutubeService(...);
* $playlists = $youtubeService->playlists;
class Google_PlaylistsServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Browse the YouTube playlist collection. (playlists.list)
* @param string $id YouTube IDs of the playlists to be returned.
* @param string $part Parts of the playlist resource to be returned.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @return Google_PlaylistListResponse
public function listPlaylists($id, $part, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('id' => $id, 'part' => $part);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_PlaylistListResponse($data);
} else {
return $data;
* The "videos" collection of methods.
* Typical usage is:
* $youtubeService = new Google_YoutubeService(...);
* $videos = $youtubeService->videos;
class Google_VideosServiceResource extends Google_ServiceResource {
* Browse the YouTube video collection. (videos.list)
* @param string $id YouTube IDs of the videos to be returned.
* @param string $part Parts of the video resource to be returned.
* @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
* @return Google_VideoListResponse
public function listVideos($id, $part, $optParams = array()) {
$params = array('id' => $id, 'part' => $part);
$params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
$data = $this->__call('list', array($params));
if ($this->useObjects()) {
return new Google_VideoListResponse($data);
} else {
return $data;
* Service definition for Google_Youtube (v3alpha).
* Programmatic access to YouTube features. *
* ** For more information about this service, see the * API Documentation *
* * @author Google, Inc. */ class Google_YoutubeService extends Google_Service { public $channels; public $search; public $playlistitems; public $playlists; public $videos; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the Youtube service. * * @param Google_Client $client */ public function __construct(Google_Client $client) { $this->servicePath = 'youtube/v3alpha/'; $this->version = 'v3alpha'; $this->serviceName = 'youtube'; $client->addService($this->serviceName, $this->version); $this->channels = new Google_ChannelsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'channels', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube"], "parameters": {"part": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "id": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "mine": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "youtube.channels.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "channels", "response": {"$ref": "ChannelListResponse"}}}}', true)); $this->search = new Google_SearchServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'search', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube"], "parameters": {"q": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "startIndex": {"format": "uint32", "default": "0", "maximum": "1000", "minimum": "0", "location": "query", "type": "integer"}, "type": {"repeated": true, "enum": ["channel", "playlist", "video"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "order": {"default": "SEARCH_SORT_RELEVANCE", "enum": ["date", "rating", "relevance", "view_count"], "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "maxResults": {"format": "uint32", "default": "25", "maximum": "50", "minimum": "0", "location": "query", "type": "integer"}}, "response": {"$ref": "SearchListResponse"}, "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "search", "id": "youtube.search.list"}}}', true)); $this->playlistitems = new Google_PlaylistitemsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'playlistitems', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube"], "parameters": {"startIndex": {"minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "location": "query", "format": "uint32"}, "part": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "playlistId": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "id": {"type": "string", "location": "query"}, "maxResults": {"default": "50", "minimum": "0", "type": "integer", "location": "query", "format": "uint32"}}, "id": "youtube.playlistitems.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "playlistitems", "response": {"$ref": "PlaylistItemListResponse"}}}}', true)); $this->playlists = new Google_PlaylistsServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'playlists', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube"], "parameters": {"part": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "id": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "youtube.playlists.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "playlists", "response": {"$ref": "PlaylistListResponse"}}}}', true)); $this->videos = new Google_VideosServiceResource($this, $this->serviceName, 'videos', json_decode('{"methods": {"list": {"scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube"], "parameters": {"part": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}, "id": {"required": true, "type": "string", "location": "query"}}, "id": "youtube.videos.list", "httpMethod": "GET", "path": "videos", "response": {"$ref": "VideoListResponse"}}}}', true)); } } class Google_Channel extends Google_Model { public $kind; protected $__statisticsType = 'Google_ChannelStatistics'; protected $__statisticsDataType = ''; public $statistics; protected $__contentDetailsType = 'Google_ChannelContentDetails'; protected $__contentDetailsDataType = ''; public $contentDetails; protected $__snippetType = 'Google_ChannelSnippet'; protected $__snippetDataType = ''; public $snippet; public $etag; public $id; public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setStatistics(Google_ChannelStatistics $statistics) { $this->statistics = $statistics; } public function getStatistics() { return $this->statistics; } public function setContentDetails(Google_ChannelContentDetails $contentDetails) { $this->contentDetails = $contentDetails; } public function getContentDetails() { return $this->contentDetails; } public function setSnippet(Google_ChannelSnippet $snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_ChannelContentDetails extends Google_Model { public $privacyStatus; public $uploads; public function setPrivacyStatus($privacyStatus) { $this->privacyStatus = $privacyStatus; } public function getPrivacyStatus() { return $this->privacyStatus; } public function setUploads($uploads) { $this->uploads = $uploads; } public function getUploads() { return $this->uploads; } } class Google_ChannelListResponse extends Google_Model { protected $__channelsType = 'Google_Channel'; protected $__channelsDataType = 'map'; public $channels; public $kind; public $etag; public function setChannels(Google_Channel $channels) { $this->channels = $channels; } public function getChannels() { return $this->channels; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } } class Google_ChannelSnippet extends Google_Model { public $title; public $description; protected $__thumbnailsType = 'Google_Thumbnail'; protected $__thumbnailsDataType = 'map'; public $thumbnails; public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setThumbnails(Google_Thumbnail $thumbnails) { $this->thumbnails = $thumbnails; } public function getThumbnails() { return $this->thumbnails; } } class Google_ChannelStatistics extends Google_Model { public $commentCount; public $subscriberCount; public $videoCount; public $viewCount; public function setCommentCount($commentCount) { $this->commentCount = $commentCount; } public function getCommentCount() { return $this->commentCount; } public function setSubscriberCount($subscriberCount) { $this->subscriberCount = $subscriberCount; } public function getSubscriberCount() { return $this->subscriberCount; } public function setVideoCount($videoCount) { $this->videoCount = $videoCount; } public function getVideoCount() { return $this->videoCount; } public function setViewCount($viewCount) { $this->viewCount = $viewCount; } public function getViewCount() { return $this->viewCount; } } class Google_PageInfo extends Google_Model { public $totalResults; public $startIndex; public $resultPerPage; public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } public function setResultPerPage($resultPerPage) { $this->resultPerPage = $resultPerPage; } public function getResultPerPage() { return $this->resultPerPage; } } class Google_Playlist extends Google_Model { protected $__snippetType = 'Google_PlaylistSnippet'; protected $__snippetDataType = ''; public $snippet; public $kind; public $etag; public $id; public function setSnippet(Google_PlaylistSnippet $snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_PlaylistItem extends Google_Model { protected $__snippetType = 'Google_PlaylistItemSnippet'; protected $__snippetDataType = ''; public $snippet; public $kind; public $etag; public $id; public function setSnippet(Google_PlaylistItemSnippet $snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_PlaylistItemListResponse extends Google_Model { protected $__playlistItemsType = 'Google_PlaylistItem'; protected $__playlistItemsDataType = 'map'; public $playlistItems; public $kind; public $etag; public function setPlaylistItems(Google_PlaylistItem $playlistItems) { $this->playlistItems = $playlistItems; } public function getPlaylistItems() { return $this->playlistItems; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } } class Google_PlaylistItemSnippet extends Google_Model { public $playlistId; public $description; public $title; protected $__resourceIdType = 'Google_ResourceId'; protected $__resourceIdDataType = ''; public $resourceId; public $channelId; public $publishedAt; public $position; public function setPlaylistId($playlistId) { $this->playlistId = $playlistId; } public function getPlaylistId() { return $this->playlistId; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setResourceId(Google_ResourceId $resourceId) { $this->resourceId = $resourceId; } public function getResourceId() { return $this->resourceId; } public function setChannelId($channelId) { $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function getChannelId() { return $this->channelId; } public function setPublishedAt($publishedAt) { $this->publishedAt = $publishedAt; } public function getPublishedAt() { return $this->publishedAt; } public function setPosition($position) { $this->position = $position; } public function getPosition() { return $this->position; } } class Google_PlaylistListResponse extends Google_Model { public $kind; public $etag; protected $__playlistsType = 'Google_Playlist'; protected $__playlistsDataType = 'map'; public $playlists; public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setPlaylists(Google_Playlist $playlists) { $this->playlists = $playlists; } public function getPlaylists() { return $this->playlists; } } class Google_PlaylistSnippet extends Google_Model { public $title; public $channelId; public $description; public $publishedAt; public $tags; public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setChannelId($channelId) { $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function getChannelId() { return $this->channelId; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setPublishedAt($publishedAt) { $this->publishedAt = $publishedAt; } public function getPublishedAt() { return $this->publishedAt; } public function setTags(/* array(Google_string) */ $tags) { $this->assertIsArray($tags, 'Google_string', __METHOD__); $this->tags = $tags; } public function getTags() { return $this->tags; } } class Google_ResourceId extends Google_Model { public $kind; public $channelId; public $playlistId; public $videoId; public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setChannelId($channelId) { $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function getChannelId() { return $this->channelId; } public function setPlaylistId($playlistId) { $this->playlistId = $playlistId; } public function getPlaylistId() { return $this->playlistId; } public function setVideoId($videoId) { $this->videoId = $videoId; } public function getVideoId() { return $this->videoId; } } class Google_SearchListResponse extends Google_Model { protected $__searchResultsType = 'Google_SearchResult'; protected $__searchResultsDataType = 'array'; public $searchResults; public $kind; public $etag; protected $__pageInfoType = 'Google_PageInfo'; protected $__pageInfoDataType = ''; public $pageInfo; public function setSearchResults(/* array(Google_SearchResult) */ $searchResults) { $this->assertIsArray($searchResults, 'Google_SearchResult', __METHOD__); $this->searchResults = $searchResults; } public function getSearchResults() { return $this->searchResults; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setPageInfo(Google_PageInfo $pageInfo) { $this->pageInfo = $pageInfo; } public function getPageInfo() { return $this->pageInfo; } } class Google_SearchResult extends Google_Model { protected $__snippetType = 'Google_SearchResultSnippet'; protected $__snippetDataType = ''; public $snippet; public $kind; public $etag; protected $__idType = 'Google_ResourceId'; protected $__idDataType = ''; public $id; public function setSnippet(Google_SearchResultSnippet $snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setId(Google_ResourceId $id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_SearchResultSnippet extends Google_Model { public $channelId; public $description; public $publishedAt; public $title; public function setChannelId($channelId) { $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function getChannelId() { return $this->channelId; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setPublishedAt($publishedAt) { $this->publishedAt = $publishedAt; } public function getPublishedAt() { return $this->publishedAt; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } } class Google_Thumbnail extends Google_Model { public $url; public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } public function getUrl() { return $this->url; } } class Google_Video extends Google_Model { protected $__statusType = 'Google_VideoStatus'; protected $__statusDataType = ''; public $status; public $kind; protected $__statisticsType = 'Google_VideoStatistics'; protected $__statisticsDataType = ''; public $statistics; protected $__contentDetailsType = 'Google_VideoContentDetails'; protected $__contentDetailsDataType = ''; public $contentDetails; protected $__snippetType = 'Google_VideoSnippet'; protected $__snippetDataType = ''; public $snippet; protected $__playerType = 'Google_VideoPlayer'; protected $__playerDataType = ''; public $player; public $etag; public $id; public function setStatus(Google_VideoStatus $status) { $this->status = $status; } public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setStatistics(Google_VideoStatistics $statistics) { $this->statistics = $statistics; } public function getStatistics() { return $this->statistics; } public function setContentDetails(Google_VideoContentDetails $contentDetails) { $this->contentDetails = $contentDetails; } public function getContentDetails() { return $this->contentDetails; } public function setSnippet(Google_VideoSnippet $snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } public function setPlayer(Google_VideoPlayer $player) { $this->player = $player; } public function getPlayer() { return $this->player; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } } class Google_VideoContentDetails extends Google_Model { public $duration; public $aspectRatio; public function setDuration($duration) { $this->duration = $duration; } public function getDuration() { return $this->duration; } public function setAspectRatio($aspectRatio) { $this->aspectRatio = $aspectRatio; } public function getAspectRatio() { return $this->aspectRatio; } } class Google_VideoListResponse extends Google_Model { public $kind; public $etag; protected $__videosType = 'Google_Video'; protected $__videosDataType = 'map'; public $videos; public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } public function setVideos(Google_Video $videos) { $this->videos = $videos; } public function getVideos() { return $this->videos; } } class Google_VideoPlayer extends Google_Model { public $embedHtml; public function setEmbedHtml($embedHtml) { $this->embedHtml = $embedHtml; } public function getEmbedHtml() { return $this->embedHtml; } } class Google_VideoSnippet extends Google_Model { protected $__thumbnailsType = 'Google_Thumbnail'; protected $__thumbnailsDataType = 'map'; public $thumbnails; public $tags; public $channelId; public $publishedAt; public $title; public $categoryId; public $description; public function setThumbnails(Google_Thumbnail $thumbnails) { $this->thumbnails = $thumbnails; } public function getThumbnails() { return $this->thumbnails; } public function setTags(/* array(Google_string) */ $tags) { $this->assertIsArray($tags, 'Google_string', __METHOD__); $this->tags = $tags; } public function getTags() { return $this->tags; } public function setChannelId($channelId) { $this->channelId = $channelId; } public function getChannelId() { return $this->channelId; } public function setPublishedAt($publishedAt) { $this->publishedAt = $publishedAt; } public function getPublishedAt() { return $this->publishedAt; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setCategoryId($categoryId) { $this->categoryId = $categoryId; } public function getCategoryId() { return $this->categoryId; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } } class Google_VideoStatistics extends Google_Model { public $commentCount; public $viewCount; public $favoriteCount; public $dislikeCount; public $likeCount; public function setCommentCount($commentCount) { $this->commentCount = $commentCount; } public function getCommentCount() { return $this->commentCount; } public function setViewCount($viewCount) { $this->viewCount = $viewCount; } public function getViewCount() { return $this->viewCount; } public function setFavoriteCount($favoriteCount) { $this->favoriteCount = $favoriteCount; } public function getFavoriteCount() { return $this->favoriteCount; } public function setDislikeCount($dislikeCount) { $this->dislikeCount = $dislikeCount; } public function getDislikeCount() { return $this->dislikeCount; } public function setLikeCount($likeCount) { $this->likeCount = $likeCount; } public function getLikeCount() { return $this->likeCount; } } class Google_VideoStatus extends Google_Model { public $privacyStatus; public $uploadStatus; public $rejectionReason; public $failureReason; public function setPrivacyStatus($privacyStatus) { $this->privacyStatus = $privacyStatus; } public function getPrivacyStatus() { return $this->privacyStatus; } public function setUploadStatus($uploadStatus) { $this->uploadStatus = $uploadStatus; } public function getUploadStatus() { return $this->uploadStatus; } public function setRejectionReason($rejectionReason) { $this->rejectionReason = $rejectionReason; } public function getRejectionReason() { return $this->rejectionReason; } public function setFailureReason($failureReason) { $this->failureReason = $failureReason; } public function getFailureReason() { return $this->failureReason; } }